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(trailer review) - A Quiet Place: Day One

I think I watched 'A Quiet Place' for the first time at a friend's house. I feel like I remember everything about that week and what led up to me watching it. I remember having not gone to the cinema to watch it for whatever reasons and having such a great weekend, I was starting to have a terrible week. It was December 7th and I had recently seen the trailer to Birdbox. There was a lot of buzz around the Birdbox movie and although I do think Sandra Bullock is a great actress, I was not at all bothered about the movie because I kept hearing how 'A Quiet Place' is a great movie and how it was a better Birdbox movie, I just had not seen it yet. So I am at my friend's house and we are watching it and the staircase scene comes and I swear, I have never been so traumatized. Then you had the bathtub scene. You could cut the tension. From that moment, I knew the film was a winner so when the sequel came out, I did not hesitate to watch it. I loved the sequel also (although I feel the first one is untouchable) so when I heard the guy from WandaVision and Ant-Man *he smiles* was doing a sequel set back to when it all started, I knew I was down.

Phenomenal. This trailer gives me Hollywood big budget horror and somewhat, a catastrophe vibe like a Cloverfield (which is literally the best comparison I can think of actually). Someone is minding their own business, aliens come down and wreck everything and everyone in quick succession. There is a scene in A Quiet Place Part 2 in the town and it is panic and pandemonium, this trailer is that scene turned up to 11. Lupita is a star and to also have D'jimon as well and that scene at the end with all the aliens walking/running (coming down the building) towards everyone whilst they are looking up... if that is not enough to unsettle you, I can only imagine there will be more like this and there will be tension moments like the moment she coughed and he covered her mouth. I honestly do not think I could look forward to anything any more than I am already looking forward to this. I cannot wait.


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