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(trailer review) - The Boys: Season 4

I tell you what is interesting, there has been a lot of talk about Superhero fatigue, that people are tired of superhero movies, shows etc, it is everywhere. However, if this was correct, a show like this would not have the buzz and hype surrounding it. No, it isn't just the blood and gruesome kills. It is not the adult language or sexual content, it is the storylines. It is the drama behind the visuals. The Boys find a way to teach/say or even address issues other comic book shows and movies would not even dare to even think about. So with that said, there is a quality and execution issue and The Boys, three seasons deep and a spin-off show, Gen-V, does not suffer from that.

Numan is running for Presidency, Billy is dying, Homeland has his kid back and it also seems he is going to trial due to his behaviour back in the previous season, not to mention that large crowd of Homelander or Supes supporters. With new superheroes emerging as well, season 4 of The Boys seems as though it is going to take us on another 'The Boys' ride. If we are lucky, maybe, just maybe we will also have some people from Gen V come and join this season, especially when Homelander showed up in the last episode of Gen V. The showrunner behind this series knows what they are doing and they have not dropped the ball yet!


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