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(trailer review) - Ahsoka

For those who need to learn or are unaware of who Ahsoka is, let me give you a quick breakdown of how we got here. Ahsoka Tano was introduced in 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' Movie (a film no one watched or enjoyed). It was an animated movie where Ahsoka was the padawan of Anakin Skywalker (I believe in helping to teach him responsibilities, discipline and then some). The Clone Wars animated movie then spun off into its own animated cartoon series called 'Star Wars: Clone Wars' in 2003 but the clone wars stories were then replaced by the 2008 animated series 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' where we focus on a "canon" storyline between the events of 'Star Wars: Attack of the Clones' and 'Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith' (I got onto this series from Season 4, watched all of the season then went back to season 1 and started from the beginning until the end which ended at season 7). The Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated show fleshed out the many battles Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker had between the two main movies and also helped flesh out the character of Ahsoka from a young Padawan joining the Jedi up until she is seen in Star Wars: Rebels. The animated show went on for several seasons filling up a "backstory" which also helped explain how and why Anakin sided with Emperor Palpatine and how "quickly" he turned to the Darkside in 'Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith'. Ahsoka's story was also heavily fleshed out during these shows and she has now popped up in not only 'Star Wars: Rebels', but in live action in both 'The Mandalorian' and 'The Book of Boba Fett'. This show aims to be her story since leaving the Jedi Order, working with the Rebels and looking for Grand Admiral Thrawn. All caught up? Good.

This trailer does not sell it for me and I am trying to think as to why I am not sold on it. Everything looks great, Rosario looks great, Chopper, Hera and Sabine look decent, but the overall aesthetic is not vibing with me. I am finding it hard to place why. I have seen two seasons of 'The Mandalorian' (and I am currently watching the third) and the look aesthetic is consistent with the one season of 'The Book of Boba Fett', but the look of these shows are not at all the same as 'Andor' (another Star Wars show). And while it does not need to look like Andor (although Andor seems to have been the best Star Wars live-action TV show so far, for me anyway), 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' also fell into the same visual grouping as The Mandalorian. There is something about this trailer specifically that is just not jiving with me, especially as I really like the Ahsoka character as she had grown on me from seasons 1-3 in Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated show when she was an annoying little child to the lovely and capable young woman she is now. She has stood up to and fought many characters in Star Wars and while her path is her own, it would be great to see where this ends up, but this trailer by itself simply looks cool and great, but that is just it. I will definitely watch it, but ultimately, the trailer does not sell me on the show as I was going to watch it anyway, but it does not hype me up even more as it simply looks like a paint-by-numbers of a few characters, lightsabre shots and ships. Give me more! Oh, and is that Orange? Is that an Orange lightsabre being held by some dude? I cannot think to whom that is but, I am just not sold on the show as yet, more than I already was. Hopefully, another trailer will help flesh out a nice synopsis and give me a better understanding of the show and maybe the look will grow on me. From watching this trailer, I simply felt that there needs to be someone above everything so there is a consistent tone to all the Star Wars shows and films because everything seems a little disjointed in look and presentation and this trailer made me feel that way. 


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