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(trailer review) - Cherry

I heard about this movie a little while back and I thought to myself, "that Tom Holland is getting some work!" Rumoured to play Nathan Drake in the 'Enchanted' movie (based on a video game), also 'Chaos Walking' with Daisy Ridley and not to mention the recently released movie 'The Devil All The Time' on Netflix, he is really doing some different roles than Spider-Man and hopefully something that can show us how much of a diverse actor he is.  Strangely enough, he has been in some other films such as 'In the Heart of the Sea' among many others, but nothing as stand out as what Enchanted might be able to do for him...another franchise, is what I mean.  This trailer was nice to see.

Cherry seems to centre around a young American man who meets the love of his life and then joins the Army.  I'm guessing by the events of the movie from what is shown in the trailer, once Cherry leaves the Army, he descends into a downward spiral which involves him robbing banks for reasons unknown at present.  Maybe his girlfriend (now wife) is pregnant, maybe the army hasn't paid him enough money for living, could be many things.  As this is based on a novel of the same name and I have not read it, it would be nice to have this visualised on screen as it does look like quite a good, entertaining and captivating story and the lengths a man would go to either provide for his family or what war has done to him.

Directed by Anthony Russo, Joe, Russo and starring Tom Holland, Ciara Bravo


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